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To mark the 100th anniversary of the BSLA – the Swiss professional organisation of landscape architecture, the heart of landscape architecture takes centre stage at the Rapperswilertag 2025: design.
We ask:
Which TRANS-perspectives inspire FORM?
Which FORM enables ACTION?
What gap does creativity fill?
The Rapperswilertag 2025 is dedicated to this year’s theme of BSLA – transformation. We will be inspired by post-colonial and feminist perspectives and deal with post-growth as well as an ecological traffic turn. And we look forward to encounters between young and experienced landscape architects.
How do we plan and design in the future? What experiences from the past should we not forget, and what new design and planning strategies need to be discovered? We go in search of a landscape architecture that transcends boundaries and enables action, and at the same time finds forms to strengthen social cohesion and create places of identity in a time of fundamental change.
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an event of
OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
BSLA Bund Schweizer Landschaftsarchitekten und Landschaftsarchitektinnen
SIA Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein
ACO AG, Netstal
Bärlocher Steinbruch und Steinhauerei AG, Buch-Staad
Burri public elements AG, Glattbrugg
Creabeton Baustoff AG/Creabeton Matériaux AG
Hauenstein Baumschule, Rafz
Leuthold Gärten AG, Oberrieden
Motorsänger GmbH, Männedorf
TMH Thomas Hagenbucher AG, Zumikon
Tschümperlin AG, Baar
Velopa AG, Spreitenbach